Add to wishlistGift boxes €4,95 In stock - 1-2 days Available in store: Check availability1 bottle cardboard giftbox1 bottle wooden case2 bottles cardboard giftbox2 bottle wooden case3 bottle cardboard giftbox3 bottle wooden caseGiftbox 'cork' 1 bottleGiftbox 'dots and stripe' with ribbondisplay box 6 bottles1 magnum champagne wooden boxMake a choice: *1 bottle cardboard giftbox - €3,501 bottle wooden case - €4,952 bottles cardboard giftbox - €4,502 bottle wooden case - €6,953 bottle cardboard giftbox - €5,503 bottle wooden case - €8,95Giftbox 'cork' 1 bottle - €2,50Giftbox 'dots and stripe' with ribbon - €3,50display box 6 bottles - €8,951 magnum champagne wooden box - €9,95Add to cartLogin for wishlistShare Facebook WhatsappAdd to comparison list